Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Romans 4:7
In 1990, Kevin Ramsby was considered to be one of the “least likely” individuals in his youth group to ever come into a saving and life-changing faith in Jesus Christ. Through the prayers of the group and youth pastor Jeanne Mayo, Kevin surrendered his life to the Lord.
In the summer of 2009, while serving as the executive pastor at Revival Tabernacle Church (Detroit, MI) under Pastor Tim Dilena, Kevin was home alone when awakened by the sound of breaking glass and confronted by a man who had broken into his home. In the vicious fight that ensued, Kevin was stabbed 37 times and left for dead.
His survival, God’s redeeming power, and Kevin’s journey to forgive his attacker is nothing short of miraculous. Kevin’s story has been shared with millions through Roma Downey’s “Answered Prayers” (The TLC Channel), “I Survived” (The Biography Channel), “The 700 Club,” and national and international newspapers, including numerous pieces written by New York Times best-selling author Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press. Kevin has shared his message in pulpits such as at Brooklyn Tabernacle Church (Pastor Jim Cymbala), National Community Church (Pastor Mark Batterson), and Woodside Bible Church (Pastor Doug Schmidt).
The miracle of God’s rescuing and restoring power in a completely broken life continues today. After 18 years pastoring in the inner city of Detroit, Kevin has stepped away to devote a season to the Lord in writing a book about the attack and what God has taught him about forgiveness and more in the aftermath. Tentatively titled “A Fight to Forgive,” it not only shares Kevin’s experiences, it also provides tools for others struggling to forgive “as Christ forgave.” With the book, which is scheduled for publication in mid-2016, Kevin hopes to help those who’ve been hurt transform those wrongs to be used for God’s greater purposes.
Kevin continues to pray for his attacker, who is serving out a lengthy sentence; additionally, through God’s healing power, Kevin regularly communicates with him. Kevin has launched an urban fishing and mentorship program for fathers called Urban Expeditions and will be sharing his message in churches, youth groups, men’s and marriage ministries, along with MLB chapels for the Detroit Tigers in 2016.
Kevin lives in Clinton Township, MI, with his wife, Sarah, and two children, Noah and Caitlin.